

The study area includes Belemedik and its vicinity located in the eastern part of Ecemiþ Fault Zone which constitutes the boundary between Central and Eastern Taurides.The area generally presents Belemedik Sequence belonging to Aladað Unit, Ophiolithic Melange and ophiolithic rocks belonging to Bozkýr Unit and Tertiary sediments overlying all these units. Within Belemedik Sequence, Late Devonian aged Küçükali, Carboniferous aged Belemedik, Early Permian aged Sarýoluk, Late Permian aged Kýzýlgeriþ and Yellice, EarlyMiddle Triassic aged Katarasý, Middle-Late Triassic aged Sarýyarma, Jurassic-Cretaceous aged Çamlýk and Yavça Formations were differentiated. In the previous studies on the vicinity of Belemedik, it was suggested that an incomplete Mesozoic series overlaying the Palaeozoic core and as a result of the erosion of this cover, a tectonic window was exposed. However, in this study, it was demonstrated that a complete Mesozoic series of Early Triassic-Late Cretaceous age overlaying the Palaeozoic rocks in the vicinity of Belemedik are presented and hence a tectonic window does not exist in the vicinity of Belemedik. In addition, it was determined that Belemedik Sequence displayed similar features with the rock associations of Aladað Unit in terms of lithological properties and the ages of the units it comprises. In the region, at the bottom of the Bozkýr Unit, which tectonically overlies the Belemedik Sequence, Late Senonian aged Kýzýlcadað Ophiolithic Melange and olistostrome are present. And, at the top of the Bozkýr Unit, Late Cretaceous aged Pozantý-Karsantý Ophiolithic Nappe is located. While the Pozantý-Ecemiþ Corridor formed by Ecemiþ Fault Zone is represented by Oligocene-Miocene aged units, the Adana Basin is represented by Paleocene-Late Miocene units.

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