

The purpose of this study is to elucidate the structural style of Azmar structure, a major anticlinorium within the imbricate partition of Zagros fold-thrust belt in northeastern Iraq. Structural analysis of this anticlinorium demonstrated that it consists of four main NNW-SSE trending anticlines. They are imbricated SW ward through NE dipping reverse faults merge to a deep seated detachment. Furthermore, analysis of minor folds on hinge and limbs of the main Azmar anticline revealed the versatile style of such minor folds and their opposing vergencies. These features emphasize the role of faulting in development of the major fold and the minor folds. This interpretation has been supported by hinge angularity, as well as by association of hinge and limb disrupting reverse slip mesofaults with those minor folds. Therefore a progressive fault related folding is proposed for Azmar structure in this work.

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