

The study area covers Alacahan, Çetinkaya and Kangal regions. Allochthonous and autochthonous rock units are present in the region. Metamorphic rocks exposed in the region have been studied in detail as formation and member and have been incorporated into the Bolkardağ Nappe. Bolkardağ nappe which deposited in Late Devonian-Late Cretaceous and metamorphosed in green schist facies, has been distinguished into Late Devonian Düzce formation, Carboniferous Kınalar formation, late Permian Çayderesi formation, (?)Middle/Late Triassic-Cretaceous Kayaköy formation and Cretaceous Karaböğürtlen formation from base to top. The quartzites found at the base of the Kınalar formation and metaconglomerates at the base of the Karaböğürtlen formation has been defined as ‘Bakırtepe Member’ and ‘meta-conglomerate Member’ respectively. Bolkardağ Nappe internally has
numbers of imbricated structures. Yeşiltaşyayla complex consisting of blocks and slices of Gülbahar nappe, Güneş ophiolite and Munzur nappe overlies the Bolkardağ nappe with a tectonic contact. On the other hand Hekimhan formation, Kangal formation, Yamadağ group volcanics, Göbekören basalts and Plio-Quaternary cover units overlie the Bolkardağ nappe with an angular unconformity.

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