



The study area located in Bucakk›flla region in Central Taurides consists of rock units of the
melange which form Bozk›r unit of the Tauride units and the overlying cover rocks. There are
volcanic, ophiolitic and sedimentary rocks which generated in different environmental
conditions. These rock groups comprise units which formed in Middle-Upper Triassic-
Paleocene periods in Inner Tauride Ocean that had been opened between Tauride – Anatolide
continents. Within the scope of this study, lithostratigraphic characteristics of Hu¤lu, Boyal›
tepe (hill), Korualan nappes and cover rocks which form Bozk›r Unit and tectono sedimentary
evolution of the study area was built up by paleontological and structural features. Due to
rifting, which started in Middle Upper Triassicin the region, the products of the rift volcanism
in rifting center and the carbonate deposition on margins of basin have occurred. Thecontinuation of extension which initiated rifting caused collapse in the basin in Middle Upper
Triasic – Lower Senonian. Deep marine deposition has occurred at the center of basin,
however pelagic and neritic limestones were deposited in basin margins during this time. The
region has become compressed by the effect of a new tectonical regime which had been
effective starting from Santonian. This compression caused new complexes to take place due
to reverse faults and thrust. The formation of these complexes has continued until the end of
Eocene period. However, there has not been observed any formation depending on the
compression in post Paleocene. The nappes have moved southward by the effect of
compression until Eocene. But then, these nappes could not advance forward anymore so,
northward back thrusts took place as basin was closured andreached the collisional stage.
Sequences which had become imbricated structures by back thrusts were subjected to
collapsing by the stop of compression and the gravitational effect. All sequences in the
imbricated structure were cut by dip slip normal faults and lacustrine basins were formed on
fallen blocks. The formation of Early Oligocene terrestrial deposits in these lakes indicates
that the collapse occurred in Oligocene or immediately before this time, and this allows the
dating of new tectonical period. Early Oligocene deposits to become tilted by dip slip faults
show that new tectonic period in the region has also continued after Oligocene.

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Sedimentology Commons
