



A study was carried out to identify Cd, Pb and Zn concentrations which exist in the roots and branches of Astragalus pycnocephalus Fischer and Verbascum euphraticum L. plants which grow in the Görgü (Yesilyurt-Malatya-Turkey) Pb-Zn mining area. A total of 60 samples were collected, 30 samples from plants and 30 samples from the soils where the plants grow. Cd concentrations range between 42.2 - 110.2 mg/kg, Pb: 2198 - >10000 mg/kg and Zn: 6088 - >10000 mg/kg in the soil where A. Pycnocephalus plants grow. Cd concentrations range between 4.1 - 544 mg/kg, Pb: 6918 - >10000 mg/kg and Zn: 5020 - >10000 mg/kg in the soil where V. Euphraticum grow. When the anaytical results gained are statistically examined, according to correlation coefficients graphic between the soil and plant, finding positive correlation between (A. Pycnocephalus) soil-root (Cd, r =0.77), soil-branch (Cd, r =0.86) and soil-branch (Pb, r =0.77) could mean that these could be indicator plants and can be used for remediation of the soils polluted by Cd and Pb metals. It is observed that the metallic concentration times values of the plants in this study taken from polluted areas compared to the plants taken from unpolluted areas, are quite high in total 44 samples (Cd, Pb and Zn values are quite high in 7, 30 and 7 samples respectively). Transition factor is >1 in some sample locations and range between 0.13 and 2.07. Enrichment coefficients is >1 for the location of V11 (Cd, root/soil). A. Pycnocephalus and V. Euphraticum, in some locations, according to transition factor, enrichment coefficients, times values and element concentrations could be identified as accumulator/hyperaccumulator for Cd, Pb and Zn elements.

DOI: 10.19111/bulletinofmre.306195
