

he writer has been engaged in certain studies on the structural and economic geology in the eastern Pontides. These studies, including the field work of the author (observations, research, mapping) gave numerous new data on the structural, geochemical, geological, genetic and paragenetic features of the suphide deposits (Cu, Pb, Zn) located in this region. This paper is related to the part of the Black Sea region, situated between the town of Rize and the Turkish-USSR border, and between the Black Sea coast in the north and the Çoruh River in the south (Enel. I). This is the typical mountainous area with highly developed relief, and dense rhododendron vegetation. The elevations range from sea level to over 3,000 m. The hydrographic network is well developed, the rivers and streams are rich in water but their flows are short. The outcrops are relatively rare, and the field work has been faced with numerous difficulties. The area is very interesting both from the economic and theoretical importance, due to the fact that numerous sulphide occurrences and a number of sulphide deposits have been discovered here. On the other hand, the investigations have demonstrated that this area belongs to a very large zone, i.l. to the copper-bearing metallogenic belt which extends throughout Iran, Caucasus, Northeastern Turkey, Bulgaria, Eastern Yugoslavia and Romania. The Black Sea region has been of continuous economic importance since ancient civilization. This conclusion is based on the numerous traces of the ancient mining. From the beginning of this Century the importance of this region is rapidly growing. The investigations were conducted by numerous geologists, starting from the amateur geologists to the most famous names in modern geology. The author's desire is to give a modest contribution to the common efforts with intention to solve some of the geologic problems related to the described area.

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