

The hot water submarine spring which is located at a depth of 2.50 m on Yıldız Cape, Ilıca Cove (Cesme-Izmir) was investigated for its recent benthic foraminifer assemblage. 38 surface sediment samples have been collected on 3 transects. The Pacific Ocean and the Red Sea originated benthic foraminifers were abundantly observed. The identifi ed species are Nodopthalmidium antillarum (Cushman), Spiroloculina antillarum d’Orbigny, Triloculina fi chteliana d’Orbigny, Euthymonacha polita (Chapman), Coscinospira acicularis (Batsch), Peneroplis arietinus (Batsch), Amphisorus hemprichii Ehrenberg, Sorites orbiculus Ehrenberg, Cymbaloporetta plana (Cushman). Beside these species, Peneroplis arietinus (Batsch), Spiroloculina antillarum d’Orbigny, Triloculina cf. fi chteliana d’Orbigny and Cymbaloporetta plana (Cushman) which were recorded on the SW coasts of Antalya are also found in this region. Euthymonacha polita (Chapman) which was fi rst recorded in Gulf of Kuşadası is also abundant in Ilıca Cove. This observation shows a northward spread of this species. Coscinospira acicularis (Batsch) is a SW Pacifi c originated species which is also found in Gulf of Aqaba, north of Red Sea. It is a typical immigrant species inhabiting the Ilıca Cove. This is the fi rst record of this species both for the Mediteeranean and Aegean Sea. Amphistegina lobifera Larsen is abundantly found around the two submarine springs in Gulf of Kuşadası, which is located on the south of Ilıca Cove. It is also recorded on the NW coasts of Karaburun Peninsula which is north to the study area. However, Amphistegina lobifera Larsen is absent in Ilıca Cove, which constitutes the most important fi nding of this study. Si, Mg and Mo concentrations were found to be high in the tests of some of the colored Peneroplis planatus (Fichtel ve Moll) individuals. But, rare earth elements, such as, Tc, Pa, Ru and Mo were observed in tests obtained from some sampling points.

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