

The presence of Xantho poressa (Olivi), known as the recent fossil, from Crustacea- Decapoda in Holocene deposits of Anadolu Hisarı has been revealed inthis study. This crab species is known as ranging from Mediterranean Sea to Black Sea and from Canary Islands to Portugal in Northeast Atlantic within depths of 0-15 meters in tidal and shallow subtidal environments. Remnants of broken crab shells with benthic foraminifera, ostracoda, bryozoan, pelecypoda and gastropoda were found in 78 samples which were collected from different levels of 8 of the cores taken from the basement of Küçüksu Palace at the Anadolu Hisarı. It was determined that the remnants of these crabs belonged to Xantho poressa (Olivi). 14C value from the bottom levels of deposits of the investigation area was estimated as 6.644±48 BP. It is understood that this carp type and the other faunal assemblage reflecting the Mediterranean and Black Sea assemblages investigated in the study area had been continuing their lives within the same environmental conditions for 6.644 years.

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