



The aim of this research is to compare index overlay and TOPSIS (based on AHP weight) for predictive Skarn potential map. In this paper, for Calcic Iron Skarn mineralization, criteria and subcriteria introduced and ranked for generating mineral prospectivity map. The values of final prospecting maps for Skarn deposit by index overlay and TOPSIS methods was specified by dividing the prospectivity values into 10 classes. For better comparison,values assign to classes base on their priority in mineral exploration. The comparative analyses of index overlay and TOPSIS integration methods, has been performed by selecting four GCPs for field checking. Field observation in GCP 1, 2 and 3, confirmed Iron mineralization in the contact of intrusive bodies with sedimentary units, where the contact metamorphism was obvious but there is no observable mineralization in GCP4. Although high magnetic is distinct in mentioned GCP. Based on the field checking in Sarvian area, the TOPSIS method has more accuracy compared to index overlay approach. Therefore, the TOPSIS method recommends for Calcic Iron Skarn Mineral Prospectivity Mapping in Sarvian and adjacent area.

DOI: 10.19111/bulletinofmre.305201
